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On-page seo is simply explained all the seo work that is carried out on the current website. It is also the most important work initially, and without a well-executed on-page SEO, it is basically impossible to improve the ranking on search engines like Google. Broadly speaking, it is about content and the website’s technical conditions. Everything from page titles, headings and texts on all landing pages of the website should be reviewed in this work. Also the internal link structure and the website’s technical conditions, such as speed, are important factors to take into account.

The second part of the SEO work is to continuously work with what is called “offpage seo”. In other words, relevant links that point to your website. It is essential that these are natural links from relevant websites. For example: links from suppliers or other companies’ websites in the same industry.


It is important to see the work with SEO as a long-term project. This is because it takes time before the search engines’ algorithms have indexed the changes that have been implemented, and until you see its real effect. After that, the work for the SEO agency continues by continuously making adjustments in the optimization with the aim of constantly improving the website’s positioning on the search engines

The higher you appear on search engines, the greater the chance that the customer will choose you. In order to position yourself high up in the so-called organic hit list on Google, you need to work with SEO. To ensure that our customers do not miss out on business, as an SEO agency, we help your company with just that. We optimize your website so that it positions itself better and at the same time drives more relevant traffic. The increased traffic to your website then results in more buying customers.

Not really, it’s quite the opposite. We help search engines like Google understand which website/landing page is relevant to a unique search query. Google themselves give recommendations on how you should work with your website in order for it to obtain better placements in Google’s search results. Google Search Console is also a tool provided by Google that is largely used to work with SEO.

It is absolutely important. However, our view is that in many cases the charging time is overestimated. If your website loads in a couple of seconds at most, that’s good enough. If you had a loading time of more than 5-6 seconds, it could certainly lead to poorer placements on Google. Then you should look at how you can improve the loading time and there are a number of relatively simple interventions to improve the loading time of the website. These are of course technical implementations that an SEO agency can help with.

The so-called Alt tag gives a name and at the same time describes what is visible in the image. Therefore, it should also contain a relevant search phrase for the best seo effect. If this is done correctly, it will be picked up by the search engines. All images should have uniquely selected alt tags.

A meta description is a shorter piece of text that exists for each landing page on your website. It is extremely important for your work with seo. The primary purpose of this text is to explain to the search engines what type of content the current page has. However, you should be aware that the meta description is also visible in the search results on Google, and thus can also influence the number of clicks if the text is designed in a relevant and smart way. Make sure you have a meta description on all pages of your website. Make sure it clearly tells you what the current page is about is about, while also trying to encourage clicks. This will affect your search engine optimization and at the same time increase the number of clicks to your website.

A meta title is the title itself that you see, among other things, in Google’s search results. You can adapt it yourself according to what each page is about. You should mention the most important search phrases in the title itself and preferably as early as possible. But the most important thing is that you design it so that it looks good as a whole, and also attracts clicks. In the same way as the meta description, it affects both seo work, while at the same time it has the opportunity to influence the number of clicks if it is designed in a smart way.

Yes, you can do SEO on your own provided you have both the knowledge and time to do the work required. Much of the knowledge you need can be found online. The challenge, however, is that the search engines continuously change and update their algorithms. Which in turn leads to the fact that the information you find online is often out of date and not up to date. This of course also applies if you hire an SEO agency. There are many who want to pretend to be professionals at seo while referring to a way of working that is out of date. Therefore, you should ensure that the seo agency you choose to hire works according to current methodologies.

If you have links on your website that don’t work and lead to landing pages that are, for example, missing (also called 404), it will very likely affect your seo negatively. This is because the algorithms of the search engines do not have the same opportunity to follow the links on your website when it is indexed. Therefore, you should continuously examine your website to identify and fix any deficiencies. There are several different tools that can be used for this purpose, one of these is e.g.

Search engines such as Google have for a long time been extremely clear that they will prioritize websites that are adapted for mobile phones. Therefore, this should really be a priority for everyone who works with seo. You can still see that non-mobile-friendly websites rank well, but it is most likely only a matter of time before all the top positions on Google consist of mobile-friendly websites. This also follows common sense, as the use of mobile phones today is greater than desktops. So, if you want long-term success with your seo, you should immediately ensure that it works well on a mobile phone. The most effective way is to make your website responsive, which means that it adapts to the size of the screen.

If you work with a local business, you should ensure that the website also reflects that. In part, it means that you don’t have to compete nationwide if you only want to reach customers locally. It also makes the work with search engine optimization a little easier as you only need to optimize the website for a narrower target group but less competition. A large part of the searches on Google today are local and therefore SEO work should also take this into account.

These are often more specific search phrases that contain more words. Compared to the usual keywords, they usually generate significantly less traffic as there are smaller search volumes for these phrases. But they are often higher quality and relevance of the traffic these phrases generate. While it may be easier to rank as the competition is lower. Therefore, it is very effective to always include so-called long tail search phrases in the work with SEO and search engine optimization.

It is impossible to give a concrete answer to this. It depends on what the competition looks like and what conditions your website/domain has. Of course, it also depends on how much time and resources you allocate for the ongoing SEO work. A brand new website with no history usually takes significantly longer if you compare it to a website with a long history and an already developed link network. That being said, it can take anywhere from weeks, months and years before you can see the impact of search engine optimization.

First, you should be clear that it is only so-called Do-follow links that provide real link power. The links that are called No-follow do not provide the desired link power that one is often looking for in SEO work. The quality of the links is assessed by reviewing how trustworthy the domain/site is and how relevant the content is. You should also review how many unique domains link to the website and what the various domains’ “page authority” looks like. For the best effect, these domains should in turn also have a positive link network behind them to in turn obtain a high “domain authority”.

There are many points of view regarding exactly how best to carry out search engine optimization. Broadly speaking, it is about strengthening a domain in various ways, and making it clear for the search engines’ algorithms to understand what the current website contains. If you as a company ask different SEO agencies, you often get different answers as to why that particular agency is best suited for you. There is really no conclusion when it comes to work with search engine optimization. It is more about general guidelines that one should follow, patience and time for fine-tuning, as well as continuous work linked to an initial strategy.

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It is of the utmost importance that you work with a variation on the anchor texts in particular. This is for it to be perceived as naturally as possible, which in turn affects your seo. Your brand should be noted in at least 50% of the incoming links and should also be pointed to your home page. Should you use too high a percentage of incoming links that have an over-optimized anchor text towards one and the same landing page, this can lead to punishment in the form of lost positions on the search engines. In addition to this, it is again important to have a variety around the anchor texts and which landing pages they point to for the best results in the work with seo.

There is really no conclusion behind this. What can be ascertained is that the more relevant textual content that is on each landing page, the more the chances increase for Google to see it as relevant for the selected keywords that are dedicated to that particular landing page. However, one should be careful not to repeat the selected search phrases in an unnatural way. This can lead to you instead being penalized in your work with search engine optimization. Then, the scope of text content should not only be designed from an SEO perspective, but also take into account the conversion goals on the site. Too much text content can lead to reduced conversion, so a balance is paramount.

It is extremely difficult to give a reasonable indication in advance of the price picture for work with seo. This is because it depends on so many different parameters. If you as a customer operate in a competitive industry then more work will reasonably be required, which in turn leads to a higher cost.


Another important parameter that should be included in the price picture for seo work is what conditions your website has in connection with start-up. What do the technical conditions look like? Applies to everything from how strong your domain is to how your website is technically structured. Therefore, a solid seo analysis should be carried out around these parameters before one can expect a serious indication of the time consumption and price picture of the search engine optimization.

The simple and straightforward answer is yes. Google has on several occasions pointed out the fact that they choose to prioritize secure websites, i.e. https. Therefore, you should ensure that the website has this security because you can already see the negative effects it causes if it is missing.

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